VZ Public Health Retention Scholarship for Undergraduate Degree Students

Awarded to select continuing undergraduate students in the Zilber College of Public Health pursuing Bachelor of Science degrees in Public Health or Nutritional Sciences.

Awards are non renewable, and students need to maintain good academic standing and be enrolled full time (12+ credits).

Students are only eligible to receive one Vera Zilber and/or JCF Jerry & Louise Stein scholarship per academic year.

To be considered for this and all other Zilber College of Public Health scholarships, students must complete the entire General Application.

Joseph & Vera Zilber Family Foundation
Schools, Colleges, Departments, and Areas
Public Health Programs, UWM Foundation Scholarships, Joseph J. Zilber College of Public Health
Supplemental Questions
  1. Our review committee will evaluate your responses to ALL questions (not only the required ones) on the General Application, including current work hours. Please explain your public health interests in answering the General Application question about academic and career goals.
  2. Please explain any challenges you expect next academic year (Fall 2024 - Spring 2025) in meeting your educational and living expenses. Challenges may include health conditions, disabilities, required family caregiving, changes in work hours, immigration barriers, or other barriers. If you are financially responsible for other family members, please explain.