Virginia Burke Award and Digital Commons Publication Award

The Virginia Burke Award is given to students who demonstrate excellence in English 102 – College Writing and Research. Only degree-seeking bachelor’s level students at the Milwaukee main campus are eligible for this award. Associate degree students who take CGS ENG 102 are not eligible, and flex students are also not eligible. Applications are typically accepted late in Spring semester for students who took Eng 102 during the previous year. For example, applications are accepted in April/May 2024 for students who took English 102 in Summer 2023, Fall 2023, or Spring 2024. The monetary award is paid for the fall semester; in order to receive the award the chosen awardee must enroll at UWM for the following fall semester.

The UWM Digital Commons, a service of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries, is a virtual showcase for UWM’s research and creative profiles. Members of the UWM academic community are encouraged to contribute any completed scholarship for long-term preservation and worldwide electronic accessibility. English 102 students who have created exceptional research projects are selected every year to be published on the Digital Commons, where their projects will be available to be read and downloaded by fellow researchers. Selected students will work with a mentor to revise their projects and be published during the 2024/25 academic year. There is no monetary component to the Digital Commons Award.

Multiple Donors
Varies up to $500
Schools, Colleges, Departments, and Areas
English Department, College of Letters and Science, UWM Foundation Scholarships
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you applying for the Viriginia Burke Award, the Digital Commons Award, or both?
  2. Upload a completed English 102 Project from Summer 2023, Fall 2023 or Spring 2024 in PDF format. At the top of your paper/project, include 1) whether you took English 102 in Summer 2023, Fall 2023 or Spring 2024 and 2) your instructor’s name. NOTE: Students who took CGS Eng 102 are not eligible. Only main Milwaukee campus students are eligible.