Leonard Family Anthropology Fellowship

The Leonard Family Anthropology Fellowship is given to a graduate student in Anthropology, preferably a student pursuing their PhD. The award provides $4,000 for preliminary research outside of the UnitedStates, including coverage of international travel and research expenses. Stipend or normal living expenses are not funded under this award. The required product from the awardee is the submission of a grant proposal to a major research funding institution (e.g., NSF, Wenner Gren) by January 15 of the year following receipt of the award. The consequence of not meeting the product requirement – that is, not submitting a grant proposal as stipulated – will be that the awardee will not subsequently be considered eligible for a graduate or dissertation fellowship.

Application materials:
· Upload CV
· Upload a copy of your research proposal, including bibliography and figures as needed. The narrative of your proposal should not exceed 1,000 words.
· Provide the name and email address of your faculty advisor. They will be asked to provide a letter of recommendation in support of your application.

Selection criteria:
· Quality of proposal
· Strength of applicant’s academic record/professional accomplishments

*Eligible applicants: *Graduate students in the Anthropology Department, with preference to students pursuing the PhD

DA Leonard
Schools, Colleges, Departments, and Areas
Anthropology Department, Graduate Student Scholarships, College of Letters & Science, UWM Foundation Scholarships
Supplemental Questions
  1. Upload a copy of your Curriculum Vita (CV) in PDF format. To minimize technical problems, it is recommended your file name contain no capital letters, no punctuation and no spaces. E.g. johntranscript.pdf
  2. Upload a copy of your research proposal, including bibliography and figures as needed. The narrative of your proposal should not exceed 1,000 words.
  3. Provide the name and email address of your faculty advisor. They will be asked to provide a letter of recommendation in support of your award application.