Dissertator's Student Award in Public Health

1. Funding opportunity for continuing dissertator’s students in CBHP at the Zilber College of Public Health.
2. Purpose is intended to help PhD candidates pay for the expense of completing their dissertation research. Therefore, it’s important to link your proposed budget to your dissertation goals and your hoped for research outcomes.
3. Work with your faculty advisor to develop the research plan and associated budget. The application requires a description of your research project and a detailed budget. Your application should be between 500-600 words. In addition to your proposed plan and budget, please include short answers to the questions within this opportunity.

Here are a few things to keep in mind about this award:
• In addition to one or two paragraphs of narrative, please include a budget with specific line items for expected expenses.
• This award will not cover tuition.

To be considered for this and all other Zilber College of Public Health scholarships, students must complete the entire General Application.

Schools, Colleges, Departments, and Areas
Graduate Student Scholarships, Public Health Programs, Joseph J. Zilber College of Public Health
Supplemental Questions
  1. What year are you in your PhD Studies?
  2. Have you completed your preliminary exam, and if not, when do you plan to sit for the exam?
  3. Have you successfully proposed your dissertation, and if not, when do you plan to propose?
  4. What is your expected date of graduation?
  5. Do you currently have other sources of funding for your studies and/or PhD research?
  6. Proposed Plan and Budget (500-600 words)
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