Department of Biological Sciences Graduate Student Awards

The Department of Biological Sciences offers several different scholarships and awards to graduate students in the program. The size of awards varies from $500 and up.

This single application is used to apply for all department scholarships and awards for 2024-25. Students must leave enough time prior to the application deadline for your letter of recommendation to be received. Therefore, students are advised to apply well before the deadline of February 11.

The following scholarships are available for 2024-25:

  • Ruth I. Walker Awards – grants are given to high-achieving graduate students in support of their research and scholarly activities.
  • Raymond E. Hatcher Memorial Scholarship – given to multiple upper-level undergraduate or graduate students with demonstrated high academic merit.
  • Clifford H. Mortimer Award – given to multiple graduate students who are engaged in research related to water with a preference for students studying lakes and bodies of fresh water (limnology).
  • Joseph G. Baier Memorial Scholarship – given to one upper-level undergraduate or graduate student engaged in research with a preference for students researching immunology.
  • Louise Neitge Mather Scholarship – eligible recipient will be a graduate student who is originally from Wisconsin with demonstrated financial need as shown on the FAFSA
  • Peter J. Salamun Scholarship – given to multiple juniors, seniors or graduate students conducting research in plant sciences.

Students planning to do field work at the UWM Field Station in Summer 2024 should also consider applying for the James & Dorathea Levenson Ecology and Field Biology Fellowship.

Schools, Colleges, Departments, and Areas
Biological Sciences Department, Graduate Student Scholarships, College of Letters and Science
Supplemental Questions
  1. Describe your personal and professional goals related to your studies in Biological Sciences.
  2. If any, describe your involvement in research or other activities related to plants and plant sciences. This could include related internships, field work, paid work, or other scholarly activities.
  3. If any, describe your involvement in research related to water/freshwater. Outline your research goals and the projects you have worked on related to your research goals.
  4. Upload a copy of your Curriculum Vita (CV) in PDF format. To minimize technical problems, it is recommended your file name contain no capital letters, no punctuation and no spaces. E.g. johntranscript.pdf
  5. Letter of Recommendation: Please provide the name and email address of a former or current professor who can provide a letter of recommendation on your behalf. Ideally, this individual should be from your area of study.
  6. Please upload a copy of your most recent UWM transcript in PDF format. An unofficial version downloaded from PAWS is acceptable.
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