Barbara Michaels

Barbara Michaels

Founded in 1910, Pi Lambda Theta is an international honor and professional association for men and women in education. The Beta Epsilon Chapter was founded at UWM in 1963, and began to award scholarships to School of Education students in 1973. Lura M. Carrithers (1902–2000) taught in the SOE Department of Curriculum and Instruction from 1952-72. At age 19, Lura taught eight grades in a rural Illinois school, riding to school daily on horseback. After earning bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees, she achieved a reputation as an expert in elementary school reading. Lura won numerous professional awards, including one for working with parents of blind preschool children.


This scholarship was established to honor the legacy of Lura Carrithers, who embodied the dedication to learning and teaching that members of Pi Lambda Theta seek to nurture.
